英語ペラペラブック [Trip-3]

Where is the most memorable place you've ever been to?

Ken: Where is the most memorable place you've ever been to?

Yoko: For me, it was Paris. I went there again last year. I used "Airbnb" and stayed in an apartment. It was awesome. Have you heard of "Airbnb"?
ヨウコ:「私はパリが良かったな。去年も行ってきたの。初めて Airbnb「エアビーアンドビー」を使って、パリのアパートに泊まったのだけど、とっても素敵だったわ☆Airbnbって知ってる?」

Misa: I've never heard of it. What's that? Is it a new type of B&B or something?
ミサ:「知らないです。何ですかそれ?新しいB&B (ベッド&ブレイクファスト)か何かですか?」

Yoko: "Airbnb" is a new service with the concept which goes "Let's go on a journey like you live there". These days, this service has spread everywhere in Japan too. We can rent a flat from local people. Because I went to Paris with my family, we wanted to buy some food at an open-air market, cook together and enjoy our meals around the table.
I was lucky to rent a room where I could see the Eiffel Tower through the window, it was wonderful.

Ken: Wow, sounds interesting. Of course staying at a hotel is good but a local apartment also seems attractive.
ケン:「へー、面白いねー。確かに、旅行でホテルに泊まる っていうのも良いけど、そうやって現地のアパートとかに泊まるのも面白そうだね。」

Yoko: Exactly. I can choose from various rooms like someone's second house, an expensive apartment and even a European castle.
ヨウコ:「そうなの。お部屋もいろいろ選べて、誰かの別荘だったり、高級アパートもあるし、中にはヨーロッパのお城 とかもあるのよ。」

Ken: I'm surprised at how many choices there are. I miss my days when I traveled around Asian countries as a backpacker. Of course I had a lot of problems but overcoming them was also the best part of it. Oh, I'm going to stop here because it will be a long story.

Misa: I want to listen to your story more.

キーとなる英単語 or フレーズ
the most ~ 一番な~ / awesome 素晴らしい
Have you heard~? ~を聞いたことがありますか?
I have never heard~ ~を聞いたことはありません
~or something ~か何か / go on a journey 旅をする
as if~ まるで~のように/ everywhere in Japan 日本中
rent a flat アパートを借りる/ local people 現地の人たち
open-air market マルシェ(青空市場) / enjoy one's meal 食事を楽しむ
Sounds interesting. 面白そう/ look(s) ~のように思える
exactly その通り/ various 様々な
second house 別荘/ an expensive apartment 高級マンション
what is more さらに/ European ヨーロッパ風の
castle 城 / backpacker バックパッカー
overcome 乗り越える/ the best part of ~ ~の醍醐味